Legal Disclaimer

The reports are taken from publicly available sources. Any intellectual property rights remain with their owners. The reports were taken over by AMANA without any checking. Therefore no liability is assumed for their correctness and completeness. If a report was supplemented / changed / replaced after publication, it is possible that this will be reproduced in the XBRL portal later with a considerable delay (in individual cases it may not even be at all). Insofar as fictitious messages are displayed or key figures are extracted on the basis of the reports, this only serves to display the possibilities offered by the AMANA software. A check for correctness cannot be carried out due to the large amount of data. Conclusions that do not refer exclusively to the AMANA-software are drawn by the user at their own risk. AMANA shall not be liable to user for any damage in this respect. In case of doubt, the user must check the original report and draw own conclusions on this basis.


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